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So here is some exciting news.-               Victorian Collections

The Falls Creek Historical Society was fortunate enough to receive a grant from the Black Summer Bushfire Recovery fund following the 2019/20 bushfires that got a little too close to Falls Creek for comfort.

Our grant submission was focused on digitising our priceless documents and photos that we have in storage to ensure longevity and for the viewing pleasure of generations to come. We chose to use Victorian Collections online management system to document and catalogue our collection.

Well as of today over 300 individual items, inclusive of 638 photos are now available for the public to see. So far we have put up our amazing Fred Griffith Collection, the priceless Bob Hyman correspondence collection, the full collection of summer and winter marketing brochures, all of the Hoppett posters and a range of individual eclectic items. We have now got the entire collection of tickets since 1950 scanned and ready to upload and we are currently working on the Horizon and Schuss Magazine Collection we have, some of them are dating back to the 1940's.

We have just received permission from the Meyer family to put their photos up there as well. John Meyers father, along with some other intrepid ski pioneers, built Skyline Lodge in 1946.

I urge everyone to go online to and search Falls Creek Historical Society. From here you will be able to scroll through the amazing items that are up there. This will be an ongoing project for our museum once the grant funding has finished in March. We will be actively seeking donations to continue this vital work in preserving the Falls Creek history for all to see.

A huge thank you to The Australian Government through

I want to thank Vicki for getting us started with this project and a huge thank you to Janet and Doreen for their tireless work on getting us to this point. Apparently they have learnt a lot about Falls Creek in the process. Can't wait to see what goes up next.






Have you noticed these pretty plaques everywhere? Located in 12 key destinations around the village the plaques are part of the new Arts, Heritage and Environmental Walk around Falls Creek.


The Museum has worked in conjunction with the Resort Management Board and the Environmental Interest Group to create the Arts, Heritage and Environment Walk.


The project has been a multi funded project with support from the Wettenhall Environment Trust, the Local History Grants Program through the Public Record Office Victoria, the Arts and Culture Committee of Falls Creek Resort Management  Board ,  Astra Falls Creek, The Falls Creek Alpine Association and Huski Falls Creek. 


The Bogong Moth plaque was designed by local indigenous artist Tamara Murray. Tamara is Barkindji on her mother’s side and Yorta Yorta on her father’s side. 


We thank each and every group that is involved for their time, effort and interest in creating this fabulous walk. 

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